1) Since 2008, there are more devices connected to the internet than the whole world population. It is also known that in 2020, more than 50 billion devices were connected to the internet. Also, companies saved $ 19 trillion thanks to IoT.

2) In 2020, there were 6.1 billion smart phone users. (Nearly all of them are with IoT potential).

3) In 2020, 14% of global consumers owned some type of internet-connected clothing.

4) Thanks to the connected kitchens, food and beverage industry increased  the profit by 15%.

5) Connected homes is the major part of IoT. In 2019, there were 1.9 billion devices connecting homes and this brought about $490 billion growth in revenues.

6) Autonomous Vehicles are another intriguing Internet of Things product. An unmanned Audi A7 currently drove from San Francisco to Las Vegas for over 550 kilometers. NVIDIA processors were in charge of the drive.
