What is IoT monitoring and how is it related to IoT?

          Internet of thıngs ( IOT ) refers to devices that are interconnected with each other through embedded software, sensors, or other related technologies. They enable the collection and the sharing of real-time data and can help increase efficiency.

In Copenhagen, for instance, after the installation of smart sensors in waste bins, the researchers concluded a statistically significant improvement in waste collection efficiency. The latter was achieved by garbage collectors monitoring the waste level of each bin in a county through embedded sensors, and only picking them up after their content reached the desired threshold. In that manner, the monitoring of waste levels helped garbage collectors avoid unnecessary trips and consequent re-routing.

But to take advantage of the data, systematic monitoring and data collection is paramount. This is where IoTM comes into play.

What are the benefits of IoT monitoring?

IoT Monitoring analyzes data, tracks performance, and helps with troubleshooting. Through constant monitoring of the devices’ health and functionality, and collecting and presenting the relevant data, IoTM will supply the user with actionable insights.

As a modern company grows in size, depth, and functionality, so can its IoT infrastructure, and with it, the torrent of collected data the management has to sort through. IoTM will allow for a comprehensive view of the model’s health, aid in performance analysis, and ensure day-to-day business continuity. For example, if there is to be an outage, it can either be preemptively mitigated, or it could be resolved quicker, as the data will pinpoint specific performance gaps.

Workplace examples of IoTM

Data security software, inventory management applications, supply-chain monitoring systems, KPIs, website traffic indicators, security cameras, and even smart coffee-makers are amongst the common IoT devices used in the workplace today.

For example, IoTM will help notify a coffee-roasting lab if its vendors are running short on supply. It can also make sure of the security of the employees’ insurance and pension data in the database. The former will take place through utilizing inventory management applications, while the latter can happen through cyber security software. All these are IoT devices, that when complemented with IoTM, can help a business to navigate its way through.

Air pollution monitoring devices range from $180 to $4900. While these units can, when densely deployed, provide more data, their accuracy is generally lower compared to that of fixed air monitoring stations.

Air monitoring system equipments can be bought frpm
