Everything is now computerized and intelligent. When we examine human evolution, we can see that communication is the key to being clever and making a difference. All of our wearables, automobiles, phones, homes, and other materials will require a communication medium. The most likely candidate for enabling this communication is NB-IoT. Simply described, the Internet of Things (IoT) is the concept of linking any device to the Internet (and/or to other devices). Mobile phones, coffee makers, washing machines, headphones, lamps, wearables, and anything else that comes to mind fall into this category. Parts of machinery, such as an airplane's jet engine or an oil rig's drill, are also affected. It is evident that in the future years, this technology, which will encompass all devices, will become an essential aspect of our life. One of the networks that can be utilized for IoT is NB-IoT. The most notable characteristic of this network, which will become an important part of our life in the not-too-distant future, is that it makes use of the existing LTE network, which is the same network that the GSM network uses. That is, it does not necessitate the acquisition of new specialized equipment.


The largest advantage, as previously said, is that the network through which the devices will communicate already exists. With modest upgrades, GSM operators will be able to convert their networks to NB-IoT.

Other benefits include the following.

- Power usage is quite low.

- In buildings and underground, the range is excellent.

- Installing on an existing cellular network architecture is simple.

- Security and dependability of the network.

- Low-cost components.


The use of GSM operators' networks, which is NB-best IoT's advantage, is also its largest disadvantage. To register with the GSM operators' network, you'll require a SIM card right now. Unfortunately, the situation in NB-IoT has not improved. Even if there are hints that they will be able to overcome this in the coming years, the necessity still exists. Another downside is that each network device must be charged. When telecommunication taxes are imposed on top of that, there will be fees that users will consider. The above-mentioned issues pose the greatest threat to the spread of NB-IoT. Because these issues are not technological in nature, they will be resolved in the near future, with technology paving the way.


- Water, Natural Gas, Electricity etc. Reading The Meters

- Street Lighting Systems

- Alarm and Event Detection, Warning Systems

- Automatic Parking Finding Systems

- Obtaining Location And Status Information In The Livestock Sector

- Monitoring Of Pets

- Smart Trash Cans That Report The Occupancy Rate

- Shipping Tracking

- Moving Asset Tracking

- Wearable Device Communication

- Elderly/Child Monitoring And Warning Systems

- Vehicle Tracking Systems

- Smart Home Systems (Air Conditioning, Lighting, Alarm, etc.)
